Category blog

Signs of Addiction in Teens: When to Get Your Teen Help

More than 40 percent of American teens have tried some type of alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug, which is half of those who were presented with the opportunity — this is a staggering statistic. Rosecrance wants you to understand the signs of teen addiction, so you can seek help before it’s too late.

A Role UVC Can Play in our Society

Child advocates have two important challenges--(1) motivating church folk to take to the streets to work with vulnerable youth and children... and (2) working with your legislators and community leaders to see that resources become available through prevention-oriented programs that will motivate these youth in becoming upstanding men and women in their communities.

Who is my neighbor? Easy answer.

Jesus lives and dies for neighbors I don’t want to hang with. I may share a common communion cup with them or open a soup kitchen on their behalf. I will even support a treatment center for God’s sake or my safety’s sake, so they can kick a habit. But don’t ask me to love them. Let them be mission projects.

Skin In the Game: Why Being Racial Competent Is Critical to Ministering to Children of Color

Whether we want to admit it or not, race matters, especially in America.  Systematic racism affects children of color, in particular, black and brown children, emotionally, spiritually, physically and often socio-economically. Particularly harmful is the form of colorblind racism which denies, dishonors and devalues students of color culture and God-given physical attributes.   To be colorblind – to not see race, is to refuse to see the beauty of God’s creation in students of color and to assimilate them into our own ideas of normalcy.

Intertwining Our Lives

At some time in our lives we experience loneliness. It’s normal and necessary. It should be appreciated not feared. During seasons of loneliness, the dis-eased soul can discover the greatest of cure with time, prayer and surrender —God’s constant presence. We are never truly alone no more than the stand-alone Sequoia Redwood tree.

Deus ex Machina

God won’t help us out of a dark place or even the dark night of the soul. But a flashlight will. Thoughtful reflection of how much we matter to God and praying to Him might help us through desperate times. But when we pray, we should pray— not for the deus ex machina to drop down out of the sky but pray for the constancy of God’s presence and voice.

Relational Meetings

One of the most helpful tools in my ministry toolbox is the relational meeting (or one on one). Meeting with visitors, church members and community leaders, usually over coffee, helps me to get to know them. In my role in local church, relational meetings have helped me to build engaged teams of people who lead our children’s and youth ministries.

Greetings from MYSI

Resilient, Strong, Steadfast, Passionate and Caring are a few of the adjectives that describe how MYSI operated in 2016. We all are reenergized, and committed to continue the legacy of MYSI and its mission, we hope that you will join us in our mission as we strive to change lives.

Like, Repost, Tag: Ministry in a Digital World

Technology is a tool we can use to strengthen and extend those relationships in amazing ways not available just a few years ago. Yet all tools can be weapons when not used as they were designed. Therefore I try and revisit how my use of technology is effective and safe by researching, talking with colleagues, and connecting with the young people in my life.

Growing Faithful Mentors

To me, mentoring is igniting, engaging and empowering the sacredness of another’s capacity to risk growing. Introducing valuable skills, acquiring expansive knowledge, and experiencing different people and cultures and are important “instructive” components to mentoring. It is the promoting of trusting, sustaining mentors I hope congregations will be more intentional to develop and grow.