Category blog

A Step Towards Housing Security for Young Illinoisians

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of homelessness and unstable housing skyrocketed throughout Illinois. With a loss of employment for many Illinoisians and a significant drop in income for many more, housing security has become a major problem. Without secure, stable…

Advocating for LGBTQIA students

Children and youth are more successful in school when their basic needs are met. Students need to feel safe and to be loved and accepted. They need opportunities to grow and excel. They deserve readily available resources that will address…

What HB 2170 Means for Illinois’ Children

During this past year, the coronavirus pandemic has had an impressionable and, in most situations, lasting impact on Illinois’ children. Many teachers, administrators, professionals, parents and caretakers have worked tirelessly to help their students succeed during these unprecedented times. Virtual…

Let’s Get the Word Out: Child Tax Credit and EITC

The coronavirus pandemic has notably magnified some of this nation’s deepest disparities. These disparities are based on race, gender, ethnicity, and income level. It has unequivocally devastated our poorest residents, and those living in Black and Latino communities. These communities…

UVC Partner Highlights Important Legislative Issues

On February 23, our partner Illinois Voices for Children hosted a webinar on state finances. Nearly 100 attendees received an overview of the Governor’s budget proposal, the latest on the Federal debate over a new stimulus package, and the outlook…

Children Still Count!

In the upcoming months, UVC Policy Coordinator, Rev. Beverly Dukes will be reaching out to Northern Illinois Conference congregations to share how, faith communities can impact US Census outcomes in a positive way.  The immediacy of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has taken attention from the 2020 US Census, however the census is the “long game” to address the root causes of issues in communities hardest hit by the virus.

Child Advocacy Award Has Staying Power

The question of the day should always be: “How are the children doing today?” People in children, youth, family ministry and related child-centered fields know that when the children are thriving, love and justice abide. United Voices for Children honors persons every year who provide outstanding leadership, service and advocacy in programs with children and youth.

Forethoughts for Fifth Sunday Appeal

I am always on the lookout for engaging ideas for Children's Messages during it is important to help our children and families make important connections to giving and receiving as people of faith. Recently, I was able to do this during the month of December--a great time of year to model giving and receiving! Plus, December has 5 Sundays in it, so I knew there was an opportunity to promote the 5th Sunday Appeal for United Voices for Children.

Star Words

Churches often mark the end of Christmas with a retelling of the visit of the Magi, or wisemen, on Epiphany (January 6). The Magi’s support and savvy may make them the earliest recorded child advocates. They serve as an example of how we might advocate and support children in Illinois throughout the coming year.

Positive Psychology

The first step along the path of improving well-being is to identify your core signature strengths. Cross-cultural research has identified 24 character strengths in the areas of wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Some examples can include a love for learning, honesty, kindness, leadership, or even hope. By understanding and deliberately utilizing our core strengths on the different life tasks in positive psychology, we can find joy and meaning in life in a way that feels compatible with our personality and who we are.