Bishop’s appeal resources for your church

Announcement for a church bulletin or newsletter
We will receive a special Bishop’s Appeal Offering on June 17, 2024, to support United Voices for Children (UVC) and their partners Kids Above All, MYSI, and Rosecrance as they serve at-risk children, youth, and families in Northern Illinois. You may either write a check payable to the church with “Bishop’s Appeal” in the memo line or simply donate online at Supporting the Northern Illinois Conference Bishop’s Appeal through your offering makes a real difference in the lives of children and youth in our community through these difficult times and going forward. Thank you for your support!
Graphic Resources
Graphic for bulletin/newsletter
Slide for worship service, monitors, or website
Anti-Racism Work with Children
Addressing Race and Trauma in the Classroom: A Resource for Educators
from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Charlottesville: A Reading List
from the Radical Discipleship Project
Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community Churchwide Antiracism Policy
from the Presbyterian Church ‘U.S.A.
Skin in the Game workshop with Rev. Dr. Felicia LaBoy – August 19, 2017
Link: Skin in the Game Workshop presentation
Link: Skin in the Game Workshop handouts
Delving Deeper: Race & Well-Being workshop with Marcus Campbell, Aracely Canchola & Taya Kinzie – September 14, 2019
Link: Delving Deeper Powerpoint Presentation