A Step Towards Housing Security for Young Illinoisians

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of homelessness and unstable housing skyrocketed throughout Illinois. With a loss of employment for many Illinoisians and a significant drop in income for many more, housing security has become a major problem.

Without secure, stable and safe housing, families with children can suffer physically, mentally and emotionally. Without stable housing, children and youth find it harder to perform well in school. In addition, children and youth without the security and stability of housing find it more difficult getting to school at all. When families are faced with housing insecurities, it deeply and negatively affects the lives of children and youth.

On Monday, May 17, 2021, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law bill HB2877. This new law provides resources to Illinoisians needing housing assistance and allows both Illinois renters and landlords to apply for assistance.

According to local news channel 1340 WJOL, “The Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP) will deploy multiple rounds of funding totaling $1.1 billion to Illinois renters and landlords to prevent evictions. An additional $400 million in rental assistance will be provided by larger municipalities. The state will also be standing up a separate program to support homeowners with $400 million in mortgage assistance.”

This new law will change and save the lives of many families, children, and youth during times of peril. Let’s shared needed and valuable information with our congregations, our constituents, and residents in our communities. For more information about “The Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP), please go to: illinoishousinghelp.org.

Rev. Beverly Dukes
Policy Coordinator, United Voices for Children

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