Let’s Get the Word Out: Child Tax Credit and EITC

The coronavirus pandemic has notably magnified some of this nation’s deepest disparities. These disparities are based on race, gender, ethnicity, and income level. It has unequivocally devastated our poorest residents, and those living in Black and Latino communities. These communities are more like to experience inequalities in health care, vaccine distribution, economic hardship, environmental pollution, congested living situation, and low wages.

Unfortunately, these disparities and challenges have created enormous stress on children and families.

Today, there are two tax credit provisions that can change the trajectory for many children and families facing hardships:  the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). According to the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities, “The current Child Tax Credit and EITC together lift more children above the poverty line, 5.5 million, than any other economic support program. This level of poverty reduction was achieved through multiple expansion of the EITC and Child Tax Credit since their respective enactments in 1975 and 1997.” (1) The Child Tax Credit is accessible to all children, but not our wealthiest residents. Also, Earned Income Tax Credit is accessible to low-wage earners, those living without children in their household often called, “childless worker.”(2)

Both tax credits will assist in tightest the wealth gap and will elevate many households out of poverty. These tax credits will provide our most always vulnerable children, families, and individuals with desperately needed resources and a chance to succeed.

Therefore, as advocates of change, share this invaluable information with families, persons in our churches, communities, and beyond. Host a resource meeting at your local churches for your communities, invite community organizers and others to discuss, and share this information. This is our time to be the change agents that are so desperately needed in the lives of so many children. Let us be that change.

Rev. Beverly Dukes, MS., MDiv.
Policy Coordinator
United Voices for Children

[1]  Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “House Way and Means COVID Relief Bill Includes Critical  Expansions of Child Tax Credit and EITC,” updated March 2, 2021, https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/house-covid-relief-bill-includes-critical-expansions-of-child-tax-credit-and.

[2] Ibid.

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