JFON Celebrates Anniversary

NJFON Feb. 4 eventOn Sunday, February 21 at 4 pm, Northern Illinois Justice For Our Neighbors (NIJFON) will celebrate 10 years of helping immigrant families find Justice and love in their chosen home. NIJFON will be joined by special guest speaker Nestor Gomez, immigrant storyteller, and State Representative Delia Ramirez, who holds NIJFON special to her heart as she helped to start the Chicago clinic back in 2014. 

In addition to honoring their 10 years in special ways, they will be kicking off their “More Justice, More Love” campaign. This event will be held via Facebook Live. Please click here to RSVP. 

The first decade of JFON is full of stories of hope from clients, volunteers and staff who were the first to encounter JFON and have made it what it is today. Justice and Love are at the center of their work as we celebrate a decade of providing high quality immigration legal services. JFON has now become the stories of justice and love as we seek a world where immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers are welcomed, supported and able to live without fear.

Click here to join the Facebook Live event. 

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