
Your gift to United Voices for Children (UVC) will provide support for at-risk children, youth and families in Northern Illinois.  UVC’s revenues are disbursed directly to our affiliated agencies—Kids Above All (formerly ChildServ), MYSI and Rosecrance—in support of their mission and direct services, as well as UVC’s mission to equip congregations to advocate for underserved children, youth and families throughout the Northern Illinois Conference.

You can make a gift now using your credit card or Paypal account.

If you prefer to send a check, you can mail it directly to:    
               United Voices for Children c/o NIC
               303 East Wacker Dr, Suite 2020, Chicago, IL  60601                

United Voices for Children is a charitable organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.   

Your generous support makes a difference in the lives of underserved children and youth. Thank you for your partnership in mission.